Our Leadership Team

At Move With Eos, we are proud to offer an exceptional team of real estate experts and relocation specialists that have an unparalleled understanding of relocation, both nationally and internationally. Our combined personal and professional experiences led us to create a company that is driven by empathy and partnership, and supported by expertise and experience, guiding you or your business every step of the way.

When you work with us, you'll experience a level of service that goes beyond the transactional. We take the time to understand your unique needs and customize our approach to deliver the best results possible. We understand that relocation can be a stressful and emotional experience, and we're here to help make the transition as smooth and successful as possible.

At Move With Eos, you can trust that you're working with a team that is dedicated to excellence and committed to achieving your relocation goals with ease and confidence. We are your partners, here to guide you through your relocation journey.

Daniela Pagani

Meet Daniela Pagani, the go-to expert who is consistently focused on making your relocation journey an absolute breeze. With a lifetime of experience on the move, Daniela knows what it takes to navigate the complex world of relocation and all the complexities that go along with it. Her genuine empathy for her clients has earned her a reputation as a trusted advisor, a savvy negotiator, and a knowledgeable strategist.
When you work with Daniela Pagani, you're working with someone who truly cares about helping people. Her passion for serving others started early in her career as a registered dietitian. After transitioning into relocation, Daniela's commitment to outstanding service only grew stronger. She knows first-hand the importance of finding a community that suits your unique needs and understands the challenges and the impact that relocation can have on both individuals and families.
As a Certified Negotiation Expert, Daniela has both the professional experience and personal insight to deliver outstanding results for her clients. With a laser focus on hard work, attention to detail, and an unwavering dedication to success, Daniela is always ready to tackle any challenge that comes her way. With Daniela on your side, you'll get a well-rounded experience that's tailored to meet your unique needs and exceed your expectations.

Ana Padros

Say Hello, to Ana Padros, a seasoned expert in the relocation industry with over six years of experience. Having worked in various areas of the field, Ana’s breadth of knowledge of the relocation process gives her an invaluable skillset that sets her apart from the competition and helps her clients achieve results. She knows exactly what it takes to make your move smooth, stress-free, and successful.
As a mother of three and a frequent mover herself, Ana understands firsthand the challenges involved in relocating to a new city, both nationally and internationally. Her personal experience gives her a unique insight into the process, allowing her to provide the highest level of service to her clients.
After living in different parts of the world and extensively traveling abroad, Ana decided to pursue her passion for helping people find their perfect home by launching a career in relocation. Her exceptional service, compassion, attention to detail, and positive attitude have earned her a reputation as a trusted partner in the relocation process.
Whether you're navigating relocation for yourself or you are managing the process for your employees, Ana's wealth of knowledge and expertise in the industry will help guide you through the process with ease and confidence. With Ana by your side, you can trust that you're in good hands and that your relocation journey will be a success.

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